Saturday, March 5, 2011

Not Recovering From Strep

pollination economy

I have been put in mind to publish this text Tao Te Ching written by Lao Zi . It has made me think of what we have suspected and I caught putting the issue of what it means, in several conversations.

a pot
Just this morning I said to my wife, with a pot in hand, you know which is the essence of this pot?
And she looked at me with a face "and with that goes this far?".
Being in this pot, I say, is the cavity inside, the gap remains. This will occur for which it was made the pot. If he tells me it is true.

And I start to digress from it.

Well, now I had caught This video Ted where Bill Gates spoke of the importance of provincial government budgets, we would say here, and its impact on the education of children.
There is always something entertaining, something that captures and distracts my attention.

And this concept of economic pollination. If Enzo Cozzi pass me the book, which in Eastern parlance is called Zhen Dao De Jing, and in doing so go to page 47 and read me, is just between me and him.
But if I put it on my blog, pollination is multiplied.

This makes me soñar con la multiplicación de la voces, desde sus respectivos blogs y redes sociales, diciendo, desde sus verdaderas lecturas y resonancias personales, acerca de los temas en que anden, estaremos en otro mundo.

Así que por el momento suelto las esporas de este texto, maravilloso, que requiere (recomiendo) varias lecturas, en varios momentos distanciados, para extraer de el toda su sustancia:
Lao Zi
Al juntar treinta rayos en el cubo de una rueda
justamente donde está la nada
se cumple la acción del carro. 
By modeling clay to make a pot just

where nothing is true the action of the pot.
When drilling doorways and windows to make a room just
where nothing is met
fourth action.

be why the harvest is
Non-Being is action.


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