Monday, March 28, 2011

Local Anesthetic Cream For Ganglion Cyst Removal

Last chapter tests and output information

This week
recent tests conducted bearers before Maundy Thursday, then I leave the days and time:

Thursday March 31: Test of the crew of the Christ at 21:00 pm in the schoolyard.

Sunday, April 3: They cited the two gangs at 10:30 hours in the school yard, after the trial will proceed to the more traditional barrel and a meal for the modest price of 3 euros per person.

Remind also Friday the 1st of April a regular town council exit information to the 2nd: 30 hours in the room "The Salesian Family" located in the basement of the school, it will have the following agenda:

1 º Preces Initial
2 nd Reading and approval comes from the previous minutes
3 rd Paragraph Doctrinal
4 º Greets Big Brother
5 th Report delegationships
6 º Submission and approval if any of the proposed implementation of the Figures and Gussets of the passing of Christ
Questions and answers 7 º 8 º Preces

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Tub Caulk Alternatives

Put a candle to Our Lady of Health Redemption

is now available in the fraternity house drawing candelería to carry Our Lady of Health next Holy Thursday, anyone who wants to can give a candle to Mother.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Descarca Nero

Sones 2011

On Saturday 26 March will take place at 20.00 hours in the theater Colegio San Juan Bosco Salesian the third edition of the event Sones de Redemption.

This time, the event will feature the following bands:

- Banda Bugle and Drums "flower among thorns", Loja

- Youth Musical Group "Our Lady of the Head" de la Vega Churriana

-Musical Group "Health" (a group that accompanies our redemption Christ on Holy Thursday)

It also will participate in the Beatriz Martínez López loophole.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Steinberg Dongle Emulator For Mac

The time is over

This, the title of this blog, is a slogan that is using the Asociación Chilena de Seguridad (ACHS), to promote business in reducing the use of high heels for women, to reduce accidents.

campaign Achs
This tells me last night at a wedding, my cousin Oscar Heiremans, Achs working in a high office. I also note that the outcome of this campaign been a success, the reduction in accident statistics for falls, twisted ankles, I assume.
What they do is that they give women a good bags, to go to work to bring their high-heeled shoes, which is supposed to work the right shoe (!?) And wear slippers or shoes way more suitable for displacement (low-heeled shoes).

This theme active in my another theme, which is why women wear high heels?
who convinced them that the correct height, the beautiful height was higher than its natural height.
Who will put that into your head?

the other day got al Metro una mujer muy alta, sumamente alta; me superaba por media cuarta. E iba con taco alto !
Me pareció patético; penoso.

Mi mujer por otra parte, siempre me pide que estacione el auto lo más cerca posible de adonde vamos, por las dificultades para caminar con sus tacos altos, que son pieza absolutamente necesaria para eventos como matrimonios o fiestas elegantes.
No pueden caminar bien siquiera.
tacos altos
Todo esto me parece muy estúpido.

Y pienso en la publicidad; pienso en la manipulación a la mente y a las emociones, que industries engaged to put requirements, it seems ... do not have. And they can be as absurd as it seems to me high heels.

do we defend ourselves from these interventions? How we defend ourselves from the manipulation of advertising and the influence of those who have already bought whatever they require in addition to the other, under the pains of hell from the attack of judgments that are like daggers to the heart and self esteem.

Basta! well I think the campaign Achs of "time is over taco." Please!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Performance Testing Template

Parkinson's Disease Clinical Strategies in Gastroenterology

Milena Velba Miostosis

comprehensive approach patient with genetic disease that causes hypercoagulable state. EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING UNIT

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Not Recovering From Strep

pollination economy

I have been put in mind to publish this text Tao Te Ching written by Lao Zi . It has made me think of what we have suspected and I caught putting the issue of what it means, in several conversations.

a pot
Just this morning I said to my wife, with a pot in hand, you know which is the essence of this pot?
And she looked at me with a face "and with that goes this far?".
Being in this pot, I say, is the cavity inside, the gap remains. This will occur for which it was made the pot. If he tells me it is true.

And I start to digress from it.

Well, now I had caught This video Ted where Bill Gates spoke of the importance of provincial government budgets, we would say here, and its impact on the education of children.
There is always something entertaining, something that captures and distracts my attention.

And this concept of economic pollination. If Enzo Cozzi pass me the book, which in Eastern parlance is called Zhen Dao De Jing, and in doing so go to page 47 and read me, is just between me and him.
But if I put it on my blog, pollination is multiplied.

This makes me soñar con la multiplicación de la voces, desde sus respectivos blogs y redes sociales, diciendo, desde sus verdaderas lecturas y resonancias personales, acerca de los temas en que anden, estaremos en otro mundo.

Así que por el momento suelto las esporas de este texto, maravilloso, que requiere (recomiendo) varias lecturas, en varios momentos distanciados, para extraer de el toda su sustancia:
Lao Zi
Al juntar treinta rayos en el cubo de una rueda
justamente donde está la nada
se cumple la acción del carro. 
By modeling clay to make a pot just

where nothing is true the action of the pot.
When drilling doorways and windows to make a room just
where nothing is met
fourth action.

be why the harvest is
Non-Being is action.