Saturday, March 19, 2011

Steinberg Dongle Emulator For Mac

The time is over

This, the title of this blog, is a slogan that is using the Asociación Chilena de Seguridad (ACHS), to promote business in reducing the use of high heels for women, to reduce accidents.

campaign Achs
This tells me last night at a wedding, my cousin Oscar Heiremans, Achs working in a high office. I also note that the outcome of this campaign been a success, the reduction in accident statistics for falls, twisted ankles, I assume.
What they do is that they give women a good bags, to go to work to bring their high-heeled shoes, which is supposed to work the right shoe (!?) And wear slippers or shoes way more suitable for displacement (low-heeled shoes).

This theme active in my another theme, which is why women wear high heels?
who convinced them that the correct height, the beautiful height was higher than its natural height.
Who will put that into your head?

the other day got al Metro una mujer muy alta, sumamente alta; me superaba por media cuarta. E iba con taco alto !
Me pareció patético; penoso.

Mi mujer por otra parte, siempre me pide que estacione el auto lo más cerca posible de adonde vamos, por las dificultades para caminar con sus tacos altos, que son pieza absolutamente necesaria para eventos como matrimonios o fiestas elegantes.
No pueden caminar bien siquiera.
tacos altos
Todo esto me parece muy estúpido.

Y pienso en la publicidad; pienso en la manipulación a la mente y a las emociones, que industries engaged to put requirements, it seems ... do not have. And they can be as absurd as it seems to me high heels.

do we defend ourselves from these interventions? How we defend ourselves from the manipulation of advertising and the influence of those who have already bought whatever they require in addition to the other, under the pains of hell from the attack of judgments that are like daggers to the heart and self esteem.

Basta! well I think the campaign Achs of "time is over taco." Please!


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