Saturday, November 27, 2010

Cervical Mucus Like Jelly

To Father Rafael

dedicated to the Blessed Christ of Redemption, consisting of the Blessed Mary AM Head (Exfiliana) in 2009

Friday, November 26, 2010

How To Get Pokemon Yellow On Ipod Touch

Fandila new general foreman of the Brotherhood

The brotherhood has decided to appoint Fandila Rafael Lozano as the person who will lead the process of change in the way of carrying the steps of Christ's Redemption and Our Lady of Health, which shall behave in sacks on the next Easter, 2011. Rafael is a known brother Fandila that previously was linked to the brotherhood and now belongs to the brotherhood of Holy Sacrament, Silence and Escolapios. Even within some dates are not known the ultimate team of supervisors and assistants with which to guide the steps will.

The approval by the Chapter General Meeting to be held in October costal change was the final step of this process after the application, testing and approval by the body bearers. The Brotherhood and the gang is very excited about this change that we hope brings great benefits to the guild and its bearers.

From here we want the best of luck with Rafael in his new job and that the Virgin of Health and His Son, the Christ of Redemption, illuminate each of their performances.

Why Is There Fever With Pancreatitis

Christmas Dinner

On Saturday December 4 Youth Group will hold a Christmas dinner at the restaurant "Basil", located in the neighborhood of realejo. The price is 20 euros per person and enjoy a varied menu ... I hope everyone

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Best Of Velicity Von

Youth Group Trip to Seville for the levees of Hope

Salesian Our Brotherhood has organized a trip to Seville for the December 19, during the Celebration of Hope with a price of 35 €, which includes bus and lunch at a downtown restaurant in Seville. To make reservations for the seats, they just passed by the House of Brotherhood on Tuesday and Thursday from 19.30h to 21.00h.

PS As is known, at that time found on levees and exposed to the public the four Hopes Sevilla Macarena Esperanza, Esperanza de Triana, Hope Hope O and Trinidad.

Why Are Some Women Jealous Of Other Women

Connection Coaching, a transformational process

Coaching is essentially a transformational process of the individual.
Through regular and systematic conversation between coach and coachee, it is giving this slow but steady evolution towards more developed states of the individual. It is a personal development process in the end.

There should be a sacred space of trust. If that does not happen, or when it is lost, it is better to suspend the activity.

legend coach going through a strange process this connection attention to the other and out of itself. I say this because in my experience I can walk myself as a coach, as a person, something complicated aspects of my personal life and yet at the moment I get in the other, the coachee, the magic is that it mine is as elsewhere and I'm fine, in general, to really work with the other.

This experience has confirmed the old maxim of "get out of you" (Lech Lecha, the first voice in the scriptures where God says something to the man, Abraham), the service settings de otros y muchos de tus males se podrán aquietar.

Temprano en las conversaciones de coach y coachee se detectan las dirección de los procesos hacia donde se quiere ir. He llegado a establecer un juego lúdico como si esos objetivos o temas de trabajo, fueran liebres tras las cuales tanto coach como coachee salimos detrás, como en una casería.

Los procesos de transformación humanos son lentos, más parecidos a los tiempos de las plantas cuando observamos sus brotes en su lento en bello desenvolvimiento..

He visto personas que llegan habitando un estado de ánimo quejoso, donde el mundo les es sumamente adverso, donde las personas como que se hubieran puesto de acuerdo para trabar o dificualtar possibilities. The great thing is that with the single conversation, sometimes mirroring the emotions the person usually walks, its body positions, challenging his judgments who jump at every turn, the beliefs that are brought in family cultures, and emerging ideas, different possibilities to see what has been seen, and the process is taking place.
I've seen the person of the coachee, after a conversation that has been transformed into an almost enjoy dialogue that seems more like a conversation with himself, begins to be abiding ambition, seeing possibilities everywhere, not just for him but no one seems to remecedor for others to see the possibilities left move, paralyzed in his resignation stop.

Helping someone move from resignation to ambition, is the remarkable experience I've experienced. And life will change.

I've seen people who did not realize who lived crushed by an uninspiring reality, where the passion had become a way of being or being itself of youth, to pass me, I have been passionately discussed issues that many years ago was not that way. And the conclusion that it had recovered product trabaajo passion for coaching.

Perhaps one of the most potent coaching the coachee is the mirror, show him one as a coach is watching, without further interpretation, but only playing, connecting it today with another the other day, and returning to coachee as mere reflexes. It is as if the coachee to hold a lively conversation with himself, encouraged of course, with provocative questions that the coach has been trained to do.
insist, is like a deep conversation with himself holds the coachee and the coach that apparently acts only as a mere mirror, adding those questions that the coachee is not done.

An example: a person says "me so hard sometimes to live with my partner" and get back this question of the coach "and usually you find yourself living together?". One question that has not been done and it shows that if the coexistence with itself a hard time, because no more compassion for your partner?. And that real compassion can be installed.

live in a world structured as a vision of reality by the metaphysics of Socrates, where there is indisputable truths and where people are fixed entities, immovable, in our essence. Coaching challenges
I understand the metaphysical view of reality and invite the person to look like the manager who wants to be, through the action and the redesign of judgments about themselves and the world, from the experience and design actions that will somehow re wiring the nervous system with new articulations of who the person is.

insist Coaching is a transformational process in which the person works for himself as a clay artisan, amounting in this process of growth accompanied by the coach in a candid conversation, deep, emotional, where coach is genuinely interested in the personal growth of the coachee.

And I want to emphasize that this process includes the spiritual dimension of the person in many cases, both of which can realize the transformation that is trying to mean a change in the level of consciousness, in which case it is atingentes talk about spiritual process.

The power of language in this process is unique and is supported by it ceased to be a simple accounting tool, giving an account of reality, to be a means of creating realities. This thanks to the intervention of philosophers like Nietzsche and Heidegger, to name two important ones, which transform the language into something else of what came to be and open the world of possibilities that I think the coaching as a profession.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

A Red & White Wire With Headphone Jack

Charter Students October 1, 1940

The Rosicrucian Fellowship

the Healing List. Perhaps it could contribute very well and in some cases, very generously, but perhaps concerned as can be with their own

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Dry Hair And Oily Scalp

Lesson for November 1, 1940 STUDENT

The Rosicrucian Fellowship Oceanside, California USA
Lesson for November 1, 1940 STUDENT

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Merino Wool Shrinkage

Letter February 1, 1936

Rosicrucian Fellowship

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Excerpted from:

Friday, November 19, 2010

Free Kate's Playgrouds

The importance of vulnerability to connect with other

What I caught this video of Brenda Brown, an American doctor in Social Service, I see again and again, as if he sensed that you are talking about things that are really declaring a hacker importantes.Se of those things clutter our interiority, decode and deliver the source code for us to better operate.

puts our ability to connect with others in the center of what gives us meaning and purpose in life. Immediately
says shame is that behavior that reflects our gap to meet what it takes to deserve the other connecting with me, like, say normally. It seems all too obvious, no? He turns from

vulnerability to, that way of walking as at risk, perhaps walking on eggs, undefended, exposed.
And he says, only when we have the courage really show us as we are confident that we deserve the connection of others, his love, his assessment is that this happens, the connection.

But there is so much discomfort in this way of walking, there are so many unpleasant feelings, we develop the behavior of numb, inhibit, all those uncomfortable feelings.
And what happens when we repress all painful emotions, uncomfortable? Well, that longing, to feel happy, happy, creative, loving, are also affected.

live in a culture that worships perfection the perfect bus, precious child, the successful person, who takes pure sevens. We took fat ass and put it in the face to make it look perfect (cosmetic surgery), all to be successful in connecting with other, more confidently, without insecurities.

No, not around the thing, she says. Imagine if we really accept imperfect, equipped to cope and succeed in diverse settings, and enough to merit being hosted for experiences of connection, our true desire after the experience (religious connection to God)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Shifter Karts For Slae


The Rosicruciam
Fellowship Oceanside, California, USA


For Mrs. Max Heindel

February 1, 1936


In a changing world Today there is a steady rise, a change of thoughts like quicksand on the shores of the mighty Tues The human mind is malleable to the changes both in the visible and the invisible, and most men have few domains on the thoughts. The man is mentally still a child, and your mental body is only a faint cloud.

The birth of the man in the physical world is an event fourfold, as Max Heindel says no, he is endowed with a physical body first, then for seven years one has to build a vital body, in the second period seven years to build the body of desire that is fully formed at age fourteen, when the animal is unruly nature, which is seen in a child entered puberty. They are unruly desires and mental faculties can not restrain these desires, he is still a child mentally, but has the body of a man, and governing the child is too often a difficult problem.

Between the ages of 14 and 21 he begins to build the fourth layer, the mental body, which is still tenuous. This being the last vehicle purchased, even mineral status, so has the man to work with dead material in the construction of the mind, the matter recogese each rebirth in a body physical. The mind is a necessary tool to teach the ego to master's wishes. The animal is guided entirely by instinct, more man, a being present, is slowly developing his mental body that at some time it will help more important than this state that has not become a body.

When man reaches the stage of development that understands that it should not respond fully to the desires and emotions and the mind should learn to be a teacher, this dim mental body begins to take shape.

At present the man is on the threshold of a world period he should go with the terrifying educational system forward. Ethers that surround the earth are filled with a vibrant new element that responds to electric and mental sign of Aquarius, the vibration of a new era pervades everything, so that mankind strives to take every opportunity to improve mentally. As the mental body, as aforesaid, a small cloud. They are not always governed the thoughts of man, and are likely to go on a tangent, picking up new ideas, now for a wild impulse striving to others, so impulsively leaving now to adopt a new idea.

truth, we find the same condition concern. Much is written

"You just need to know one thing the world ,
There is a balm for human color only;
A single path leads to heaven .-
The path of human sympathy and love "

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Excerpted from:

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Torredonjimeno Guards and Mancha Real Jaen is

Guards Mancha Real

Guards Torredonjimeno

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I And My Friend Bang Wives

1 ª Tertulia "Between two churches" ... From shoulders to rib

Click image for larger view

How To Make A L- Shaped Couch On Sims3



September 20, 1937

Dear Friend:

Dear Friend:

The sincere and honest probationer who truly loves his neighbor and is ready to serve when offered the opportunity, can be called a doctor of the soul . Help and heal others with the knowledge he gained by his fervent study and application of those teachings he has received from The Rosicrucian Fellowship. As a doctor of the soul he is expected to spiritual relief to those who are attracted to him because when they know their friends know that the Probationer Rosicrucian science soul (Astrology) for his studies, he estimates a little wiser than the ordinary person.

If you get really, if you have made of our precious teachings a part of your life, then you should be able to help solve the problems that come to him for advice and assistance. When you use your knowledge for the good you can do in the world, for the consolation and encouragement that might lead to the suffering, then is it truly a physician of the soul. It becomes more like Christ and spiritual solace and comfort it brings to other souls, and love and gratitude directed toward him by the souls who have given help, they become living things and surround him like a halo, elevating and bringing to it the better things of life as you remember, we teaches that thoughts are things. Think on these words of Ralph Waldo Emerson: "All men are capable of being raised, ... and no one relates to people in such a divine nature without turning to some degree, God, himself. Like a new soul, they renew the body. We become physically nimble and joyful, buoyant live, and life is no more tedious, and we will never to be so. exist, as it were, for the first time. "

This philosopher felt the influence of high thoughts of those who had assisted and advised, and he was inspired for the kind thoughts and love them, because really there is no greater happiness than we receive to bring happiness and peace of mind and heart to others. We ourselves may be going through a difficult period and our own life can be a series of tests, but we can smile and bring a smile to the face of some other oppressed under the weight of his afflictions, and he has faith in us and ask for advice, we can not but feel relieved and relaxed knowing that he believes have aided him something in his world of struggles and pains.

Yes, even when, as often happens, those who have helped and treated kindly, tear us apart again, here we can make other good to follow the wise admonition of the Apostle Paul. Paul in the twelfth chapter of Romans: "Bless those who persecute you, bless, and curse not." These words remain as the greatest comfort, and if we pray for those who exploit unfair of us, refusing to repay evil for evil, in the end our enemies can be turned into the best friends of ours.

We can not expect much progress on the path distance until we realize that everyone is divine flames of knowing and loving Father, and no one can harm us if we are pure and candid, no one can hurt us if we carry within my heart the ideal that every thought and deed we are building around that will meet in some future life. With this knowledge coupled with the desire to do, we can build for us, for lives of peace and love. Henley Then these words will become a reality:

"No matter how small is the gate

not how full of punishment, life

I am the Lord of my destiny

Soy, el Capitán de mi alma”


Suyos en el Servicio de la Humanidad


Mrs. Max Heindel


Megan Good Haircut On The Game

Video of the Week VII. Seville dedicated to Our Lady of Health

Here you have the Seville composed by the "Solera "in 1989 and dedicated to Our Lady of Health ... by several brothers of the Brotherhood can hear it as it has been several years in the ignorance of many people who did not know there was this composition.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Life Expectancy Cat With Throat Cancer

mourning again after

Last Sunday we see Our Lady of Health Reina dressed in their finery to celebrate their holidays ...

... a day later saw our mother again Salesian mourning, honoring the dead this month, here are some pictures:

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Is There A Replacement For Polaroid Film?

Celebration Who doubt your beauty?

Like a dream of beauty in an explosion of light ... in a burst of light appears splendor the Virgen de la Salud.
who doubt your beauty Mary Health to see you today you pass under the blue canopy praying made me mourn.

Your right to not take your mother ... your mother devotion devotion, Christ loves you zaidín whole of redemption.

who doubt your beauty Mary Health to see you today you pass under the blue canopy praying made me mourn.

caste brave men under ... under the Trabajadera Trabajadera to carry on their Virgin zaidinera Granada.

who doubt your beauty Mary Health to see you today you pass under the blue canopy praying made me mourn.

Clava your knee, lift your hands to the sky ... your hands up in the sky and screams that you are beautiful Our Lady of the Salesians.

who doubt your beauty Mary Health to see you today you pass under the blue canopy praying made me mourn.