Saturday, October 30, 2010

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"And God created man in His own image, in God's image what
created, male and female he created them "Genesis 1:27.

E n the study of human origins and prehistoric state, we often stumble constantly
unexplained mysteries and especially when we read
with a purely materialistic approach
the Old Testament, which is the most wonderful story of Man.

We inevitably forced to climb the formidable rocks
of the doubt. However, when we read between the lines or
look at the past with an open mind, then this book of Genesis is a
mine full of gems of the strangest kind.

The Rosicrucian Cosmo Conception
we are taught that the world is divided into seven different states of consciousness.

Starting with the most dense, we have the physical matter of which is made
man's physical body. Although it may not be visible
with the physical senses, we know and have positive proof that there is something
within and around us in a subtle nature finest
our interpenetrates dense body, we can not see
but sorry. Electricity is a force that man can
feel but can not see. He knows that there is atmosphere,
still can not see it. So we can detect and know that this subtle and rarefied
life exists. We feel the storm and its strength. We
see the raindrops as they descend to earth, and
scientists tell us that this rain is formed by evaporation, causing
moisture in the clouds. We know the wind blows, we feel its influence
refreshing. Science has a reason for each of
explain these changes and atmospheric phenomena through research

The occultist explains these phenomena from a viewpoint
higher or spiritual, telling scientists that large
invisible regions which are populated from the winds
by higher intelligences, and that such high spirits
control the elements, who have loved to carry out their orders, for example
, the spirit of water has its workers, the mermaids, the spirit that controls
winds works with the sylph. So we
elements that man must recognize that there are all
with invisible leaders and workers who live in the great universe
of God, so the poor man who denies materialist
everything you can not see with your physical eyes, when asked to explain these
great mysteries, you can not do.

Now, as indicated earlier, the Rosicrucian
Cosmos recognizes seven different worlds. How do we call?.

Unlike matter, because only we can recognize as matter what
can see the man with his physical sight. But there are six high
states of consciousness, call them by names that were given by Max Heindel
by the Great Beings who entrusted him with this knowledge:

the Desire World, the World of Thought
World of Life Spirit, the Divine Spirit World, the World of Spirits
virgin, and God's World. Now, these are only
names and do not explain the conditions of these different states.

Take a kettle full of water. If we put the kettle on
a block of ice, water will start to harden, and in moments we
frozen water. But let us settle this
kettle on a burner on and soon the ice melts and we
vapor in the atmosphere disappears and becomes invisible to our eyes
. Where gone? Somewhere where
incredulous eyes of the materialist can not reach, but the occultist can
follow. He knows that nothing is lost in God's universe.

Man, that is the most perfect work of God, is made
for each element found in these seven main worlds.

As Man is found with his body and mind so wonderfully complex developed
was not done, as erroneously interpreted
can read the first chapter of Genesis,
mud and in one day but its current status es el resultado de años y
años de crecimiento. Lo podemos seguir desde que entra en la arena
de su existencia como un Espíritu Virginal, un pensamiento, una chispa
del divino Padre arrojada al espacio con tal fuerza como solo Dios
puede ejercer. Este pensamiento-forma tiene su nacimiento en el
mundo de los Espíritus Virginales donde la llama divina comienza su
largo peregrinaje por la materia, recolectando el material de cada
mundo, cada vez más denso, haciéndose camino entre el mineral, el
vegetal, el animal y luego por el estado humano. Dentro de esta chispa
divina, se encierran todas las potencialidades the Divine Father. As
the thought of a building created by a man who gradually
takes shape in his mind, which turns his plan on paper and
attempting the material so that the building can be erected, so was the
God thought about the spark that would become a
Man and it became clear, expression of the body which
King David praised God in Psalm 139, which says, "I praise you because I
been incredible and wonderfully made " . Paracelsus says, "The body
physical itself is one of the greatest mysteries in this as
is contained in condensed state, solidified and the real bodily
essence of what will be part of substance of man
spiritual, and this is the secret of the Philosopher's Stone. "

There are mysteries in the human temple that man can not solve
(that has baffled science material), and for such a solution
have sacrificed so many lives human and animal kingdom
. Vivisectors have committed their own souls in a
effort to solve these mysteries. The animals have gone through
most atrocious suffering for the sake of science, in an effort to wrest its secrets
God. But science can go
away when faced against a wall
instruments and scientific minds can not penetrate, and it is helpless.

But there is one tool that science can not or will not
recognized and the human spirit. Trained observer can only access
regions high, which unfortunately
materialist can not give material evidence, would not recognize.

But we must give him credit for having done wonders in their struggle to dominate
and understand human disease.
material medicine has achieved great things.

There are two forces in nature that man
recognized and identified as existing in every atom, the positive force (male),
and negative force (female). The metal found in the man
used to generate electrical power, copper, zinc, etc.
. On the ground we also find the same elements. Moreover
tiny atom in the human body is loaded with these two forces.

come into play in your body, without whose combination
it could not keep the particles together. Although the man, with a male body
, can be expressed in positive physical body, your body vital
negative, allows you to maintain your physical particles
together. Women also expressed in a physical body
negative women is balanced by positive vital body.

The different forms and development of the human body during prenatal life
are summaries of their development during involution.

The Polar Times globular body was like an oval and also
jelly. There was at first a body
projected over his body in the sack. This
body was at once, eyes, ears, or the core on which
built around the body, even was the vehicle through which man's life
received directly from the Father. Today this body
is called the pineal gland - the epiphysis. At that time, the energies of
man were like those of a fetus, directly aimed at
in order to build the future organs, as in prenatal life
of our current physical body is directed and assisted by the mother and
as the man was assisted during its involution in the
Divine Hierarchies. He was in direct contact with higher realms
and was not aware of their physical environment. Meanwhile,
eyes, ears and various organs in the body took shape
ovoid, while the pineal gland, which is still a mystery to medical science
, had the sole function of communication with the outside world
. This body was much larger than it is today,
and from its top projected a tentacle conical
long, flexible and transparent attended locomotion and sensation, and this accessory
can still be seen in the
small end of the pineal gland. It looks like a small piece of skin, whose function
discuss in the next chapter.

* * *

Augusta Foss Heindel


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