Sunday, May 1, 2011

Kinesiology Tape Columbus, Oh

That is to say we

In the grand ballroom of the Municipality of Peñalolén gather a crowd of people to see and hear Prem Rawat , better known as Guru Maharaji (pronounced "Maralli").

my nephews Bunster Charme
appears impeccable dress tie and suit. Saluda, is connected with these and start talking from what comes from the heart, this will tell us later, you never know who will speak.

What we seek in life, so busily? be your original question. Happiness through wealth and possessions the right partner, travel, some figure, a position with a certain power.

live in absolute ignorance, without realizing it.

The source of happiness is within us. He gives knowledge, techniques of meditation, which give us access to the site.

This experience connects us to the present moment otherwise we live our day to day in our lives. This knowledge teaches that it is in this life happens and that's that happiness resides.

When we are in the past or anxious, fretting about the future, we miss the most important thing, which is to be, live the present moment.

my family
Maharaji uses stories, simple stories to illustrate what we mean. The dialogue of a rabbit with a lion who was about to serve it for breakfast.

Let's live in the tale of Cinderella and live in reality when it comes to couples. Nor is there the desired happiness. Here if you drive a stick given to many who live in the hope of finding a partner that will make them happy and will solve all problems. Life is not so.

Mararaji radiates relaxation, good vibes, good humor. Is connected with the audience, I feel that really speaks to us. The area is almost full, do not know how many people will be, but I find many. Leaving

consult some people I know, with and without "knowledge" about what they had found, and left with the feeling that not everyone gets what I captured as a powerful and meaningful message, they have not all been touched in the heart in the same way.

my friend Hamlet and his family
I also arises the question of many who received "knowledge", which ceased to meditate, it is not my case .

I think Maharaji is a true messenger of Peace, and has an offer worth. It is not the panacea, it is not the only one who does good deals, but there he is, who has taken the trouble to come here and see us as a gift.

Thanks for that.

Note: the photos I took them before the event, aimed at people who are my relatives and friends, then say that the photos and videos was not authorized.


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