Monday, January 31, 2011

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Klausbernd Enneagram Book Ken Robinson Element

Discover your passion changes everything, is the subtitle of the book, which is equivalent to find your item, changes everything.

What is this Item? Are things we enjoy doing and that we are particularly well.

We installed as Western culture, says Robinson, an understanding of education as a process that prepares people to work in industrial production lines, and therefore the education system itself is another production line batches (bundles, groups) of individuals, groups and treated as measured based on standardized tests. In fact the whole educational system is aligned to get the best results in these standard tests.

The result is that the education system systematically depleted creativity of children.

The proposed Ken Robinson is to align the entire educational system to track the element of its students through a personalized education and put the whole system to work for development and cultivation.

I particularly like his invitation to stop talking about measurements as the standard IQ and we go to question what is your intelligence? or what mode you're smart?, understanding that individual intelligence is as unique as the fingerprint.

To discover the element suggests the following questions:
What is that which absorbs more your interest?
If you could do anything you wanted, what would you be doing?

And when we are in the element, in our element, we will lose us the experience, live the moment and give ourselves the maximum.
Time passes differently, because they make contact with something fundamental to our sense of identity, for our purposes and our welfare.
We feel great pleasure and delight in what we do. It's like being inside a tunnel, we see nothing else, just what we are doing. We are "in the zone." (See example of Terence Cook with golf)
When we are in the live element in the emotion of excitement.

When we are in the Element, we are doing what we are supposed to be doing and being what we are supposed to be. Despite being physically exhausted, activity fills us with energy, it's like to be connected to a power supply, said Ken Robinson.
And ends by saying that he was "in the zone" is an experience that can become addictive.

Another very important thing, people who are in their element are grouped into what he called tribes. Even a person in search process of his element, giving the tribe with which tunes, you can probably make your item.
When these tribes are concentrated in one place, the chances of occurrence of mutual inspiration can be enormous (Silicon Valley).

The tribal affiliation helps people be more themselves, guides them towards a greater awareness of personal identity (as distinct groups of soccer fans or singers).

Ken Robinson's passion is to transform education in large scale, so that is perhaps the main process that leads to our element.

Education Current is strangled by the imperative of the culture of standardized tests, all aligned with the results of them, besides being a great business in themselves.

Teachers are not the cause of education! is the educational system.

What children learn best when they learn from each other, and when teachers learn along with them.
Social networks, human communication technology, come with us everywhere.
And do not be surprised if people leave the educational system and seek personal development mechanisms in a self-taught and there are good examples of this.

Thematic Networks, game aprendizaje a través de la experiencia, inserto en el mundo real, y dejemos de enseñar para pasar pruebas estándares.

Y tenemos que entender la época en que vivimos, para pensar el tipo de personas que necesitamos: creativas, apasionadas, colaborativas, felices.

Un libro imperdible para cualquiera que esté en la educación.

Para terminar, Ken Robinson da muchos ejemplos de personas que están en su Elemento y de las cuales cuenta parte de sus historias; algunas de ellas son:
El baterista Mick Fleetwood
La bailarina Gillian Lynne
El creador de Los Simpsons, Matt Groening
El gymnast Bart Conner , married to Nadia Comaneci .
photographer Gordon Parks
R. Buckminster Fuller
American artist Faith Ringgold color
Richard Feynman
Traveling Wilburys - Handle With Care
The pool player Ewa Laurance Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
The director of the film network Aaron Sorkin
Guitarist Brian Ray

Debbie Allen Actress Meg Ryan
mathematician Terence Tao
Brad Zdanivsky , a quadriplegic climber
The hairdresser Vidal Sassoon
Zaha Hadid, architect of origin Iraki
The actor James Earl Jones
Jackie Robinson, baseball's color in the U.S.

Related Links:
Leonardo Maldonado
Animated video conferencing Ken Robinson


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