Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Why Are Some Women Jealous Of Other Women

Connection Coaching, a transformational process

Coaching is essentially a transformational process of the individual.
Through regular and systematic conversation between coach and coachee, it is giving this slow but steady evolution towards more developed states of the individual. It is a personal development process in the end.

There should be a sacred space of trust. If that does not happen, or when it is lost, it is better to suspend the activity.

legend coach going through a strange process this connection attention to the other and out of itself. I say this because in my experience I can walk myself as a coach, as a person, something complicated aspects of my personal life and yet at the moment I get in the other, the coachee, the magic is that it mine is as elsewhere and I'm fine, in general, to really work with the other.

This experience has confirmed the old maxim of "get out of you" (Lech Lecha, the first voice in the scriptures where God says something to the man, Abraham), the service settings de otros y muchos de tus males se podrán aquietar.

Temprano en las conversaciones de coach y coachee se detectan las dirección de los procesos hacia donde se quiere ir. He llegado a establecer un juego lúdico como si esos objetivos o temas de trabajo, fueran liebres tras las cuales tanto coach como coachee salimos detrás, como en una casería.

Los procesos de transformación humanos son lentos, más parecidos a los tiempos de las plantas cuando observamos sus brotes en su lento en bello desenvolvimiento..

He visto personas que llegan habitando un estado de ánimo quejoso, donde el mundo les es sumamente adverso, donde las personas como que se hubieran puesto de acuerdo para trabar o dificualtar possibilities. The great thing is that with the single conversation, sometimes mirroring the emotions the person usually walks, its body positions, challenging his judgments who jump at every turn, the beliefs that are brought in family cultures, and emerging ideas, different possibilities to see what has been seen, and the process is taking place.
I've seen the person of the coachee, after a conversation that has been transformed into an almost enjoy dialogue that seems more like a conversation with himself, begins to be abiding ambition, seeing possibilities everywhere, not just for him but no one seems to remecedor for others to see the possibilities left move, paralyzed in his resignation stop.

Helping someone move from resignation to ambition, is the remarkable experience I've experienced. And life will change.

I've seen people who did not realize who lived crushed by an uninspiring reality, where the passion had become a way of being or being itself of youth, to pass me, I have been passionately discussed issues that many years ago was not that way. And the conclusion that it had recovered product trabaajo passion for coaching.

Perhaps one of the most potent coaching the coachee is the mirror, show him one as a coach is watching, without further interpretation, but only playing, connecting it today with another the other day, and returning to coachee as mere reflexes. It is as if the coachee to hold a lively conversation with himself, encouraged of course, with provocative questions that the coach has been trained to do.
insist, is like a deep conversation with himself holds the coachee and the coach that apparently acts only as a mere mirror, adding those questions that the coachee is not done.

An example: a person says "me so hard sometimes to live with my partner" and get back this question of the coach "and usually you find yourself living together?". One question that has not been done and it shows that if the coexistence with itself a hard time, because no more compassion for your partner?. And that real compassion can be installed.

live in a world structured as a vision of reality by the metaphysics of Socrates, where there is indisputable truths and where people are fixed entities, immovable, in our essence. Coaching challenges
I understand the metaphysical view of reality and invite the person to look like the manager who wants to be, through the action and the redesign of judgments about themselves and the world, from the experience and design actions that will somehow re wiring the nervous system with new articulations of who the person is.

insist Coaching is a transformational process in which the person works for himself as a clay artisan, amounting in this process of growth accompanied by the coach in a candid conversation, deep, emotional, where coach is genuinely interested in the personal growth of the coachee.

And I want to emphasize that this process includes the spiritual dimension of the person in many cases, both of which can realize the transformation that is trying to mean a change in the level of consciousness, in which case it is atingentes talk about spiritual process.

The power of language in this process is unique and is supported by it ceased to be a simple accounting tool, giving an account of reality, to be a means of creating realities. This thanks to the intervention of philosophers like Nietzsche and Heidegger, to name two important ones, which transform the language into something else of what came to be and open the world of possibilities that I think the coaching as a profession.


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