Friday, November 19, 2010

Free Kate's Playgrouds

The importance of vulnerability to connect with other

What I caught this video of Brenda Brown, an American doctor in Social Service, I see again and again, as if he sensed that you are talking about things that are really declaring a hacker importantes.Se of those things clutter our interiority, decode and deliver the source code for us to better operate.

puts our ability to connect with others in the center of what gives us meaning and purpose in life. Immediately
says shame is that behavior that reflects our gap to meet what it takes to deserve the other connecting with me, like, say normally. It seems all too obvious, no? He turns from

vulnerability to, that way of walking as at risk, perhaps walking on eggs, undefended, exposed.
And he says, only when we have the courage really show us as we are confident that we deserve the connection of others, his love, his assessment is that this happens, the connection.

But there is so much discomfort in this way of walking, there are so many unpleasant feelings, we develop the behavior of numb, inhibit, all those uncomfortable feelings.
And what happens when we repress all painful emotions, uncomfortable? Well, that longing, to feel happy, happy, creative, loving, are also affected.

live in a culture that worships perfection the perfect bus, precious child, the successful person, who takes pure sevens. We took fat ass and put it in the face to make it look perfect (cosmetic surgery), all to be successful in connecting with other, more confidently, without insecurities.

No, not around the thing, she says. Imagine if we really accept imperfect, equipped to cope and succeed in diverse settings, and enough to merit being hosted for experiences of connection, our true desire after the experience (religious connection to God)


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