Monday, February 2, 2009

Quote We Need No Stinking Badges

Capricorn December 22 to January 19 day Mercury mid-month. You see things positively and you can even have a period of great excitement expansive, but you should not let you drop into illusions and excesses. It is a good time to make decisions and find new ways or new ways to solve old problems. An issue could arise that would require all your attention and make you change some of your ideas about how to do things. Exercise caution in your dealings and relationships of interest, although you are not very inclined, could arise a conflict or impediment overconfidence. You have to deal with advanced technology, or perhaps you like to buy an appliance or a stereo. Later the sun goes to your house three. It will be an exciting time full of expectations for the imagination and mental interests. This becomes important mental activity, reading, communication, information, relationships with your surroundings, travel and fantasy. You'll be intense, but it is best to avoid situations that you may overflow. Being your house three in Pisces, these transits encourage your ideals, humanitarian feelings and spiritual or esoteric interests or they may encourage your interest in a mysterious item. The contacts and interests that you associate with a group (sporting, cultural, humanitarian, spiritual, political, professional ...) will be greatly expedited. We will be very interested to participate in a common activity, present your ideas, discuss a project, etc. With Venus in your house four family be a source of satisfaction and good news. Celebrations for family events could print. Have more generous and open-minded and tolerant, and you'll earn easily festive activities or meetings. It also promotes contact with groups in your environment and your local interests (community, district or city hall). The cultural activities, holiday or similar will also prove favorable and will encourage you to participate and feel part of the community. You can also turned on an issue or develop an initiative on your professional interests, perhaps supported by your immediate surroundings or your family. forecast last month September
other signs: Aries

Taurus Geminis



Scorpio Sagittarius




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